Rosy Bliss Mix Bouquet is a delightful arrangement that brings together the soft elegance of pinks, the warm embrace of coral, and the pure charm of white blooms. Perfect for any occasion, this bouquet exudes a sense of serene beauty and gentle sophistication. Each carefully selected flower adds a layer of texture and color, creating a harmonious blend that will brighten any room. Whether you're celebrating a special moment or simply bringing a smile to someone's face, the Rosy Bliss Mix Bouquet is a timeless choice that captures the essence of grace and joy.
(Note: Flower varieties and colors subject to seasonal availability.)
11 garden roses Ohara Mix, 4 peonies, wrapping paper, ribbon
We pack and deliver bouquets in stylish branded aquaboxes for maximum preservation of the freshness of the bouquet. You can also add a vase to the order, just specify it in the comments when making the order. We also include special tools to prolong the life of flowers.
The fresh flowers are delivered in original packaging. Remove the packaging and place the flowers in a vase. We recommend not cutting the ribbon tying the flowers to keep the shape of the bouquet.
Cut 1 cm of the stems at an angle, remove the lower leaves and thorns. Repeat the procedure every 2-3 days.
Fill a vase with cold, clean water and add 1/3 of a Crystal packet. Repeat the procedure every 2-3 days.
To prolong the life of flowers, we recommend placing the bouquet in a cool place, away from sunlight.